Saturday, October 22, 2016

Top 10 problems Adult Language Learners have in the Workplace

Question to Workplace Supervisors-  What sort of communication problems does your non-English speaking team have in the Workplace?

Here’s what we have identified from past and current clients:

Background:  Information was gathered from a group of eight language learners from China and Africa working at a retail distribution center, auto parts supplier, and restaurants during the Summer of 2015.
  1. Sometimes I don't understand what the supervisor says.  The supervisor speaks too fast.  Example:  "Can you find/bring me...."
  2. Conversation changes directions without me knowing.  Example:  Appropriate use of "To change the subject..."  
  3. Calling something by more than one name.  Example:  Shrink-wrap vs. Wrap  
  4. Quantifying orders/supplies and preparing orders.  Reconciliation with the purchase order.
  5. Reporting maintenance issues.
  6. Understanding slang/inappropriate English.
  7. Being given multiple tasks at one time verbally.
  8. Communicating via two-way radio.  Example:  "Copy that."
  9. Doing something step-by-step and having to improvise or adlib due to missing parts/supplies or time constraints.
  10. Receiving directions (location).  
Daniel J. Stone, MBA
Founder and Principal Consultant

Two Birds One Stone Learning, LLC
3700 Riverside Drive, #21861
Columbus, OH  43221


****A fusion between Quality Life Enhancement and Professional Enrichment through Language Training**** 

Two Birds One Stone Learning is a language training boutique that specializes in tutor dispatching to individuals, families, and organizations of the expatriate and business communities of Columbus, OH.  

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