Sunday, November 27, 2016

Japanese Language- Message from a satisfied adult language learner:

Japanese Language- Message from a satisfied adult language learner:




Mr. K, An engineer at a supplier to Honda located in Dublin, Ohio.

First Annual CEU Awards

11/27/2016- (Columbus, OH)

Two Birds One Stone Learning, LLC is thankful for the committed students that we have had the pleasure to serve over the course of 2016. Twelve working expats and/or trailing spouses qualified for our first annual Continued Educational Units (CEUs) Program in the areas of:

Skills Enhanced English Training, 
Survival English, and 
Test Preparation. 

Qualification for this programs was to have been a student for at least six months of 2016 and maintained attendance of at least three times a month and showing continuous improvement in Oral and/or Written English.

Founder and Principal Consultant
Two Birds One Stone Learning, LLC
3700 Riverside Drive, #21861
Columbus, OH  43221

Daniel J. Stone, MBA
Office:  614-219-9757

****A fusion between Quality Life Enhancement and Professional Enrichment through Language Training**** 

Two Birds One Stone Learning is a language training boutique that specializes in tutor dispatching to individuals, families, and organizations of the expatriate and business communities of Columbus, OH.