Monday, April 6, 2015

Bridging the Communication Gap: Operator of English Language School/International Education Center

Strategies for Success: A Cumulative Body of Work of Graduate Learning Strategies

(BUS 510) Course

Daniel J. Stone

Ohio Dominican University

Bridging the Communication Gap: Operator of English Language School/International Education Center

How many international firms send employees to the US who can’t speak English? Modern technology such as the evolution of the Internet has allowed people access to information throughout the world. Jumbo jets can transport people and freight from one corner of the world to another in the matter of hours. As the global economies continues to become more integrated, employees are increasingly aware of the need to work productively with people from different cultures and backgrounds. (Harrison, P., 2006)

The US dollar continues to remain weak allowing people overseas who have the goal to live, work, and study in the US; universities overseas are overcrowded forcing international students to study in overseas countries such as the US. For assistance is English language instruction, people can turn to a number of professional organizations who specialize in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). My goal is to become an operator of an English language school/international education center located in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan or Mainland China for people who speak English as a Second Language (ESL).

Situational Analysis

At present, I’m a person with the following signature themes: responsibility, belief, restorative, focus, and futuristic. First, the data states that since I am talented in the Responsibility signature theme that I am committed to stable values such as honesty and loyalty. Also, I take psychological ownership of what I say they will do and have conflict when I have to deal with those who do not share these values or take ownership. Next, since I am talented in the Belief signature theme that I have a defined purpose for my life that comes from certain core values that are unchanging. Then, since I am talented in the Restorative signature theme that I am good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it since I am adept at dealing with problems. Furthermore, since I am talented in the Focus signature theme that I can prioritize, and then act because I can take a direction, follow that direction through to its completion, and make the corrections necessary to stay on track. Lastly, since I am talented in the Futuristic signature theme that I inspire others with their visions of the future because I am inspired by what the future holds.


Personal Strategies

Responsibility signature theme. My responsibility signature theme forces me take psychological ownership for anything that I am commit to, and I feel emotionally bound to follow it through to completion. The reputation of the organization that I represent depends on it. Because of this, I have been known to look for ways to make up a service shortcoming to a customer if for some reason I am unable to deliver. I have always viewed an apology as an excuse and have always felt that excuses are unacceptable. I will be at odds with myself until I have corrected the problem at hand. Because of this, I am viewed as dependable because I have the following cornerstones: (A) doing things right, and (B) possessing impeccable ethics. Therefore, people will look to me first because they know that the task at hand will get done and get done right. (Your Signature Themes PDF citation)

The downside of this talent is people will come to me for help. I need to be selective in giving help because to operate as a fully functional leader, I need to focus on what only I can do as a leader of an organization. In the past, my willingness to overcompensate led me to take on more than I should. To ensure this, I need to hire people who are smarter than I am and hire people who have a positive attitude and understand that whatever skills they do not possess can be instilled through training. (Pozen, R., 2011)

Belief signature theme. In possessing the belief signature theme, my behavior is affected by the following core values that cause me to be family-oriented, have feelings of duty, loyalty, and spiritual, and to value responsibility and high ethics in myself and others. Because of this, I have the additional cornerstones of: (A) meaning and satisfaction to my life and (B) success is more than money and prestige. These cornerstones are my compass that guides me through the challenging periods that we all face. As with responsibility signature theme, many consider me to be dependable because they know where I stand. (Your Signature Themes PDF citation)

The downside of this talent is that if I am working in an environment that doesn’t mesh with my values, I am at odds with myself. The work that I do must be meaningful and matter to me. The work that I do will matter to me if I am given a chance to live out my values. In the area of financial rewards, salaries need to be compatible with the fair market value of an area, bonuses are awarded based on merit and benefits are accrued and provided for by a reputable organization. (Davis-Ali, S., 2009).

Restorative signature trait. In possessing the restorative signature trait, I am talented in identifying what is wrong and the solution to the problem. If given the choice, I prefer practical problems and seek out specific kinds of problems that I have dealt with many times before and that I am confident I can fix. One of the most satisfying feelings is to bring thing back to life by restoring something to its true glory by identifying the undermining factors and getting rid of them. I have a strong connection to my feelings and because of this, I know that if I do not intervene, the person, place, or thing that is the root source of the problem might cease to function. (Your Signature Themes PDF citation)

The downside of this talent is that I overlook my public image and “look bad” in the name of service of their team and customers. However, by “looking bad”, I am allowed to ask the difficult questions and challenge existing norms. Because of this calculated intervention, the risk is worth the reward if the collective whole can see the positive aspects that are being brought by my talent of identifying what is wrong and then giving a solution to the problem. (Ely, R.J.; Frei, F.X.; and Morriss, A. 2011).

Focus signature trait. In possessing the focus signature trait, I am talented in setting goals. By setting goals, I am given a clear destination. When I don’t set goals, my life and work can quickly become frustrating. It is important that each year, each month, and even each week I set goals. These goals then serve as your compass, helping me determine priorities and make the necessary corrections to get back on course. My ability to focus allows me to evaluate whether or not a particular action will help me move towards my goal. Because of this, what isn’t going to help me move towards my goal is ignored therefore forcing me to be efficient. (Your Signature Themes PDF citation)

The downside of this talent is that I become impatient. I view delays, obstacles, and even tangents as something that keeps me from focusing. Focusing on results rather than hours has the added benefit of allowing a better balance between family and work. To that end, I have been known to say, “Back on point” when others start to wander away from the task at hand. It is important that I remind myself that if something is not helping me move towards my goal, then it is not important. If it is not important, then it is not worth my time. Because of this, I am viewed by the team as a valuable asset. (Pozen, R.C. 2011)

Futuristic signature trait. In possessing the futuristic signature trait, I am talented in seeing in detail what the future might hold. I am driven by a better life, a better team, putting out a better product and living in a better world. I follow my heart by chasing my dreams by envisioning what could be. I am energized by these visions when the present proves too frustrating and the people around me are resistant to change. (Your Signature Themes PDF citation)

The downside of this talent is that people look to me to describe my visions for the future. They want a picture that can raise their sights and thereby their spirits. There is a lot of pressure in painting this picture for them. Because of this, there is a lot of trial and error. Being careless with communications will lead me to trouble since people will want to latch on to the hope you bring. By carefully laying out my goals, objectives and prioritizing activities to work relentlessly toward those objectives, the better things in life that you are working towards will become a reality in the future. (Collins, J. 2003).

Personal Strategies

Responsibility signature theme. First and foremost, in developing my responsibility talents, it is important for me to decide what I will stop doing if I take on a new responsibility. Since I have a high level of psychological ownership, it is easy for me to take on more than I can handle. It is important for me to keep the mental image of a balance scale in my mind. Next, it is natural for me to take ownership in all things that I’m involved in. It is important for me to share the responsibility with others so they can grow and develop too. Following through on my commitments allows me to work best when I’m given this opportunity. Since I can be trusted to get things done in a team setting, it is acceptable for me to let the team know that I don’t need to check in during a project, just at the end. By possessing the Responsibility talent, I have an instinctive sense of how to do things right. Others might need me to explain my choices and how I know what’s right. In closing, by asking my supervisor or professors for objectives of an assignment, it is important that I figure out how to fully meet them even if that means that I go above and beyond expectations. Throughout the process, ask for feedback about the quality of work as it is important for people with exceptionable responsibilities. (Text book citation)

Belief signature theme. Research suggests that in order to define my Beliefs in more positive terms that the focus needs to be what I am for instead of what I’m against. Volunteer work or community service in areas that fit with my value system will also define my beliefs. By partnering with someone who has strengths in Winning Others Over and Communications will help others relate to me know who I am and what I believe in. (Text book citation)

Restorative signature trait. The restorative talent allows me to find flaws and solutions to those flaws. To maximize effectiveness, it is important to solution and problem-solving talents. Next, it is important that I partner with people who have a positive approach. Their natural optimism will keep my problem-solving from becoming pessimistic. In fixing problems, sometimes the best way is to empower others to fix the problem. By partnering with developer talents to coach others in solving their problems, my talents will be refined and help others learn and grow. (Text book citation)

Focus signature trait. Research also suggests that in developing Focus, I need to take the time to write down my goals and post them where you can refer to them will make me feel more grounded and in control of my life. This is because I will be keeping my eye on the target. Also, when given an assignment, I need to clarify timelines and expectations in advance. As a team member, my greatest contribution to the team is to help others set goals. Also, at the end of a work session, take responsibility to summarize what was decided, define when these decisions will be acted upon, and set a date when the team will reconvene. My productivity can be at its highest level by setting intentionally setting aside periods of time and letting others know. This is because I can spend long periods of time concentrating on one thing. It is important to ensure that the people that I care about that you appreciate an opportunity for intense focus, but also are happy to hear them knock on your door. This is because my powerful goal orientation could at times supersede your people orientation. (Text book citation)

Futuristic signature trait. In developing my Futuristic strength, it is important that I take time to think about the future. The more vivid my ideas will become, the more time I spend considering my ideas about the future. This will allow me to be more persuasive about those ideas. By partnering with people who have strengths in the areas of Communication, Ideation, or WOO, you are able to work on the words used to describe the future. This will allow you to create vivid visual images and storytelling to become even more persuasive about what the future holds. A future vocation for me could be to be a guide or coach who inspires others to dream. This is because I can see what’s coming and how I can be better prepared for it. This helps people overlook the pain and problems of today due to my natural anticipation of a preferred future. To be better prepared for the future, research suggests that I partner with people who have strengths in Discipline or Arranger. One thing to be mindful of is to remain in the present. Because of my tendency to anticipate the future may mean that I’m disconnected from fully enjoying the moment. By partnering with people who have strengths in Adaptability, Context or Positivity will address this area. (Text book citation)

Academic Strategies for Success

Responsibility signature theme. For academic strategies for success in order to define my Responsibility, it is important for me to strive to always work ahead. This is essential since it is important that I see a problem or scenario ahead of time. While doing this, I should highlight the key vocabulary words, main ideas and characters. Also, by working towards a standard of achieving what it means to be a truly responsible student will help me discover what “doing it right” means to each of my professors. As before, trustworthy people that I collaborate with academically are key. A mentor or a circle of friends that are older than I am should be sought after to define responsibility in academics. As stated earlier, schedule a specific time for school work helps in assuming responsibility which is needed in investing the necessary time, talent, and efforts to be successful. (Text book citation)

Belief signature theme. Research suggests that in order to define my Beliefs for academic strategies for success, I should list my top 3-5 beliefs on a piece of paper and use as a bookmark. By doing this, it will filter whatever I am reading and hearing through the lenses of the listed core values. By arguing for and against certain issues will strengthen the positions that I am for and reflected upon when defending an opposing point of view. Also, I need to have an academic mission statement by integrating my core values into academics. An academic mission statement could be “leaving a certain place better than the way I found it.” It is essential to notice instances when I am willing inconvenienced to come to the aid of a specific person or group and ask, “Which of my core values drove this behavior?” By doing this, it will help others grasp what I value and why I value it. An ethics class will teach me to evaluate the rightness of decisions in the business field. (Text book citation)

Restorative signature trait. Research suggests that in order to define my Restorative talent for academic strategies for success school should be thought of as a way to improve myself. This will help in increasing my motivation and allow reflection in my progress. Feedback from my professors and follow through on what they have pointed out as deficiencies will allow growth academically. This will fill gaps in knowledge. An underlying value that repeats itself throughout the Academic Strategies for Success portion of research is relationships with people appreciated my ability to help them identify problems. (Text book citation)

Focus signature trait. For academic strategies for success in order to define my Focus, it is essential for me to associate with successful people. While it may seem a bit awkward, it is important for me to ask what they focused on to become successful. By using focus to link class-related assignments to the knowledge and self-management skills I will need to be successful in the future. Building the focus talent is important therefore I need to be selective in the range of activities I am involved in. Making lists help me focus and will assist in identifying what I will attempt to learn during a specific time period. Not only lists, but also outlines help me focus. This is because they help me plan before writing a paper. It is best for me to focus my full attention one project at a time therefore I should schedule my work in a way that allows this. By selecting classes that have defined direction and objectives, this helps in a small group setting since it will provide the opportunity to assist the group to see how the pieces of a project fit together to accomplish the overall objective. (Text book citation) Futuristic signature trait. The Futuristic talent in academics is strengthened by writing a description of my desired future and posting it where I will notice it frequently. Again, it is important to surround myself with people who enjoy philosophizing about the future. This support group will be instrumental at helping me achieve my aspirations. By doing this, I can connect what I am learning to where I want to go. It is important for me to talk about my goals and dreams with my friends, families and professors. This creates awareness of my objectives and will motivate me to follow through. Continuing persistence and proactive thinking on my part will help in ensuring that goals and dreams come true. By keeping others in the team focused on what can be will help the team share the vision that I see. By trying to understand what I’m studying will relate what I’m studying to where I see myself in the future. The end result of studying is an exam. Exams need to be taken seriously and preparation for an exam must be done thoroughly as this is a step towards the future. (Text book citation)

Professional Strategies

Responsibility signature theme. For professional strategies for success in order to define my Responsibility talent in careers, select work where I can be given more and more responsibility. This is because I often take the initiative, and always follow through, and do not need a lot of supervision. Managing others has been frustrating for me since their standards or responsibility does not match my own. When I can fully follow through on the commitments I made to others, I will be the most productive. Building trusting relationships with others is important to you, so choose environments in which you can surround yourself with dependable, trustworthy people. When selecting a team to join, be sure the other members are known for pulling their weight. (Text book citation)

Belief signature theme. Research suggests that in order to define my Beliefs for professional strategies for success, it is important for me to spend time thinking about my “calling”. This can be done by seeking employment in companies and organizations that exhibit a strong sense of mission that is committed to a positively affecting the quality of people’s lives. By working in a place that respects my commitments to my family and allows for a balance between work and family demands will enable me to thrive. (Text book citation)

Restorative signature theme. For professional strategies for success in order to define my Restorative talent in careers, select work where I can be given more and more responsibility. Talk to people who excel as customer service reps. Ask them what leads to their success and what they find rewarding about their work. Volunteer your time in an organization that needs someone to “breathe new life” into their work. Lastly, interview people who have a reputation for salvaging bad situations, turning companies around, or stepping in to solve problems no one else can seem to handle. Ask them what they enjoy about their work and what they actually do on a daily basis. (Text book citation)

Focus signature theme. For professional strategies for success in order to define my Focus in careers, I sometimes need to have a target identified for me. Structured environments that are predictable, detail-oriented, and reward your dependability and follow-through are likely to bring out my best. Roles that have identifiable goals, purposes, and objectives bring the most satisfaction to me. This will provide an opportunity to meet my own longer-term goals. Since I am capable to prolonged concentration and persistence, an environment with few interruptions and little need to multi-task work best. (Text book citation)

Futuristic signature theme. For professional strategies for success in order to define my Futuristic talent in careers, I should choose a career in which I can help others envision the future and inspire them to create it. An environment that rewards vision and creativity allow my freedom to dream and invent and allow my talents to flourish. By talking to other professionals such as designers, commercial artist, and city planners will allow the opportunity to envision the future. (Text book citation)

Development Plan/Gap Analysis


Franchising. In order to become an operator of an English language school/international education center located in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan or Mainland China for people who speak English as a Second Language (ESL) I will need to meet the criteria of franchising. By franchising, the owner makes the necessary investment of buying the real estate and building the language school/education center. Furthermore, I will be supported by training, technology, and anything else that I need. In turn, as an operator, I will have to use my honesty, integrity, commitment, and loyalty to customers and the owner. This would be a tremendous amount of trust placed on me as the operator but this is worth the owner’s risk since this plays into my strengths. As the operator, I am the CEO, manager, president, treasurer of my own business. (Cathy, S.T., 2002)

Buying an Existing Business. It is extremely unusual for a foreigner to enter Japan, South Korea, Taiwan or Mainland China with the intention to buy an existing business. The exception to this is likely to be in very specialized areas such as an English language school. (Roberts, D. and Roberts, E., 1999)


In Japan, South Korea, Taiwan or Mainland China it is common for businesses to utilize the services of an introducer or third party vouch for me and my operation. This is because in this region, it is extremely difficult to establish business relationships with companies or organizations if I am unknown to them. By doing this, your local go-between will you’re your prospective colleagues evaluate my position and prestige and will lay the foundations of a business relationship based on trust. Therefore, I need to establish relationships and conduct research on potential introducers since it is important that these people are well-known and highly respected by the colleague with which I hope to do business. Furthermore, American business practices such as cold-calling or even responding to letters from unfamiliar parties which are outside the status quo. This sort of arrangement will result in contractual obligations that will made directly in the form of money or indirectly through the allocation of a share of resulting business. (Roberts, D. and Roberts, E., 1999)

Government Incentives. The governments of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Mainland China are keen to encourage international investment, particularly in the present economic climate. To offset some of the exorbitant costs in establishing a new business, there are a number of incentives available. The most substantial assistance available is through government-sponsored that are designed to help small and medium-sized foreign-owned companies who would otherwise have difficulties in securing host country guarantors for their business loans. (Roberts, D. and Roberts, E., 1999)

Traditional Office Space. As stated earlier, the franchisee route takes the burden off of the operator as the owner assumes that responsibility. An alternative will be to rent. Rental space can be found at a lower rate outside of central Tokyo for example. Also, rental space in an older office complex can be found at a lower rate. With a monthly rental fee, a year’s worth of rent is needed in advance. . (Roberts, D. and Roberts, E., 1999)

Virtual Office Space.

Office Equipment. Since office space is rented unfurnished and without any computer or communications equipment a decision to purchase or lease will need to be made. The best practice is to consult with the home country’s external trade organization as to how proceed. (Roberts, D. and Roberts, E., 1999)

Legal and Accounting Expenses Market Research Procedures for Registering a Company

Employing Staff. As an operator of an English language school/international education center I will need one native English speaker competent in the area of TESOL per 15 students. I will need one head teacher who will likely be a native English speaker who is competent in scheduling and manpower allocation to oversee the academics side of the operation. I will need one office manager who is preferably bilingual in the home country’s native tongue and English that will need to be competent in the area of accounts receivable, accounts payable and basic record and bookkeeping. (See Figure1)

Employer Obligations I. Conclusion Figure 1. English language school/international education center Director of Operations Head Teacher Office Manager English to Speakers of Other Language Instructors Temporary and seasonal administrative staff.


Benjamin, B. and O’Reilly, C. (2011). Becoming a Leader: Early Career Challenges Faced by MBA Graduates. Academy of Management Learning & Education, Vol. 10, No. 3, 452-472.

Cathy, S.T. (2002). Eat Mor Chikin: Inspire More People. The Loyalty Effect, 2002. 96-117.

Collins, J. (2003). Start a “Best New Year’s Resolution?” USA Today, December 12, 2003.

Davis-Ali, S. (2009). Success and Sanity: It replaces work/life balance. Personal Excellence, July 2009, 8.

Ely, R.J.; Frei, F.X.; and Morriss, A. (2011). Stop Holding Yourself Back: Five ways people unwittingly sabotage their rise to leadership. Harvard Business Review, January-February 2011, Vol. 87 Issue 4, p160-163.

Harrison, P.M. (2006). Diversity Training: A Sound Investment. Greenville Magazine, September 2006, 24-26.

Pozen, R.C. (2011). Extreme Productivity: A veteran executive outlines the principles for getting a lot done. Harvard Business Review, May 2011, Vol. 89 Issue 5, p127-131.

Roberts, D. and Roberts, E., 1999. Live & Work in Japan. Starting a Business, 1999. 200-220.

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